Current offers & promos
- Set sail with $250 off flights + cruise.Explore packages
Use promo code SAIL250 to save on a flight + cruise package when you book by 1/24 for travel by 12/15/25. Min. $3,000 spend & terms apply.
- Find savings with Best Vacation Finder.Try our tool
Wondering where or when to vacay? Use our savvy tool to easily compare packages by date or destination from anywhere JetBlue flies.
- Universal Orlando Resort tickets? Let’s roll(ercoaster).Book now
Add theme park tickets to your flight + hotel package by clicking “Add Extras” after making your flight selections.
- Our all-inclusives are all that.Explore packages
All-inclusive packages include: roundtrip flights, resort accommodations, breakfast, lunch and dinner—and alcoholic beverages. The only thing missing is you!
- Get the VIP treatment (that's Very Important Perks).Get perks
From resort credits to welcome gifts and freebies, elevate your trip with exclusive, high-value perks worth $125 (or more!) when you book flights + hotel to select resorts. Min. 4-night stay required. Book by 12/31/25 for travel anytime. Blackout dates and terms apply.
- Roll away with up to 35% off car rentals.Explore car rentals
Save up to 35% on car rentals and earn points when you add a car to your flight or vacation package. Plus, Mosaics can unlock car rental perks with a complimentary status match to Avis.
- Introducing Last-minute Deal Reveal.See last-minute packages
Get even greater flight savings on flight + hotel packages for travel within the next 2 weeks. And with new deals dropping weekly, it’s never been easier to drop everything & go.
- Up to $300 off packages? Sun-believable.Get promo code
Enjoy savings on flight + hotel packages to Insider Experience destinations! Plus, get FREE airport transfers and 24/7 support from a local Insider. Book by 12/31/25 for travel anytime. Min. spend & terms apply.